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کل اخبار:344

  • گزارش تاثیر پیوستن ایران به پیمان شانگهای بر بخش حمل و نقل ۱۴۰۰-۰۹-۰۸ ۱۷:۰۳

    Implications of Iran’s Membership in SCO for the Transport Sector

  • کتای ۱۴۰۰-۰۹-۰۶ ۱۱:۱۹

    Trilateral Agreement for KTI Railway Corridor Reached

    A new trilateral MoU for Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Iran (KTI) Railway Corridor is reached on 26 November 2021.

  • کتای ۱۴۰۰-۰۹-۰۶ ۰۷:۳۱

    Trilateral Agreement for KTI Railway Corridor Reached

    A new MoU for Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Iran (KTI) Railway Corridor is reached on 26 November 2021

  • ۱۴۰۰-۰۹-۰۲ ۱۱:۱۹

    Iran, Georgia 10th Joint Road Commission Held

    The 10th round of Iran, Georgia joint road commission was held on 17 and 18 November 2021 in Tbilisi.

  • دیدار معاون نخست وزیر جمهوری آذربایجان با وزیر راه و شهرسازی ۱۴۰۰-۰۸-۳۰ ۱۳:۳۷

    Iran, Azerbaijan Friendly Relations Strengthen

    Tehran, Nov 21 (MRUD NEWS) - “New infrastructural projects between Iran and Azerbaijan will develop bilateral economic relations”, asserted Iran Minister of Transport and Urban Development.

  • Iran, Azerbaijan Discuss Road Transport Facilitation ۱۴۰۰-۰۸-۲۵ ۱۳:۳۰

    Iran, Azerbaijan Discuss Road Transport Facilitation

    Tehran, Nov 16 (MRUD NEWS) - Islamic Republic of Iran and Republic of Azerbaijan is holding a meeting for facilitation of road transport in Baku.

  • اختتامیه شانزدهمین اجلاس کمیسیون مشترک همکاری‌های اقتصادی ایران و ترکمنستا ن ۱۴۰۰-۰۸-۲۵ ۱۳:۳۰

    Iran, Turkmenistan Boost Transit Ties

    Tehran, October 27 (MRUD NEWS) - The 16th meeting of Iran-Turkmenistan Joint Economic Cooperation Commission is holding from 26 to 27 October 2021 at Iran Ministry of Transport and Urban Development.

  • ایران-قرقیزستان ۱۴۰۰-۰۸-۲۲ ۱۳:۳۱

    Iran to Use Kyrgyzstan as a Corridor to SCO Region

    Tehran, Nov 13 (MRUD NEWS) - Iran Minister of Transport and Urban Development, Rostam Ghasemi, met with Kyrgyzstan Minister of Economy and Commerce, Daniyar Amangeldiev, to discuss transport and transit possibilities between Iran and Kyrgyzstan.

  • دیدار وزیر راه وشهر سازی با مشاور نخست وزیر پاکستان ۱۴۰۰-۰۸-۱۵ ۱۳:۳۸

    Iran, Pakistan’s Talks amid JTC Meeting

    Tehran, November 6 (MRUD NEWS) - The Pakistan delegation is in Iran to hold 9th round of Joint Trade Committee (JTC) meeting.

  •  Iran Air's Flights to Kuwait and Dubai Scheduled ۱۴۰۰-۰۸-۰۹ ۱۳:۳۰

    Iran Air's Flights to Kuwait and Dubai Scheduled

    Tehran, Nov 31 (MRUD NEWS) - The Airline of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iran Air, has scheduled direct flights to Kuwait and Dubai from 1 and 2 November 2021 respectively. The flights to Kuwait will be from Shiraz, Mashhad, Ahwaz, and Lar Airports to Kuwait International Airport and to Dubai from Bandar Abbas International Airport.

  • CASPCOM ۱۴۰۰-۰۸-۰۴ ۱۳:۲۸

    25th Meeting of CASPCOM Held

    Tehran, Oct 26 (MRUD NEWS) - Iran Meteorological Organization (IRIMO) chaired the 25th meeting of Coordination committee on hydrometeorology of the Caspian Sea (CASPCOM) virtually.

  • پانزدهمین اجلاس سالانه تراسیکا ۱۴۰۰-۰۷-۲۹ ۱۳:۰۹

    15th Annual Meeting of IGC TRACECA Held

    Tehran, Oct 21 (MRUD NEWS) - The heads of Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) is holding their 15th meeting to review the performance of member states and to discuss development of regional and international transit cooperation. The Republic of Bulgaria is the Chairman and is hosting this year’s video-conference meeting.

  • بازدید دکتر خادمی از محور جایگزین راه ایران ـ ارمنستان ۱۴۰۰-۰۷-۱۴ ۱۳:۲۳

    Iran, Armenia’s Agreements for Transit Ties

    Tehran, Oct 6 (MRUD NEWS) - Deputy Minister and head of Construction and Development of Transport Infrastructures Company in Iran, Kheirollah Khademi, heading a delegation to Armenia informed of the latest agreements between Iran and Armenia for resolving recent transit problems posed by Azerbaijan along a 20-kilometer section of Armenia’s Goris-Kapan Road stretching from Norduz (in Iran) to Yerevan.

  • Tatev ۱۴۰۰-۰۷-۱۲ ۱۳:۲۳

    Iran’s Participation to Complete Tatev Road in Armenia

    Tehran, Oct 4 (MRUD NEWS) - Deputy Minister and Head of Construction and Development of Transport Infrastructures Company in Iran, Kheirollah Khademi, and his technical delegation have travelled to Armenia to discuss completion of Tatev Road in Armenia that will bypass Azerbaijan for transit between Iran and Armenia