شناسهٔ خبر: 101177 - سرویس پرونده

Iran, Azerbaijan Discuss Road Transport Facilitation

Iran, Azerbaijan Discuss Road Transport Facilitation Tehran, Nov 16 (MRUD NEWS) - Islamic Republic of Iran and Republic of Azerbaijan is holding a meeting for facilitation of road transport in Baku.

Javad Hedayati, the director-general of Transit and International Transportation Bureau at Iran’s Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization (RMTO), is heading Iran's delegation to Baku to discuss facilitation of road traffics and removing barriers to bilateral trade between the two countries.

Iran and Azerbaijan have 4 formal border crossings along 750 km-long border that makes it a unique opportunity for mutual cooperation, added Hedayati.

North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) is an important common ground for regional cooperation. In this sense, Iran is seeking ways for further road traffics to link Persian Gulf to the Black Sea, he stated.

Anar Rezayev, the head of the State Road Transport Service of Azerbaijan Republic, also emphasized on transport collaborations between the two countries and pointed to the long-lasting relationships and numerous commonalities that ease future cooperation.

The commercial transactions between Iran and Azerbaijan had been increasing during last 10 months, but the officials are dissatisfied with $340 million volume of trade as they believe it should be further expanded.

In October 2021, following the release of Iranian truck drivers who were captured by Azerbaijan, the previous standoff between Iran and Azerbaijan had been removed, as Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian and his Azeri counterpart, Jeyhun Bayramov, agreed to resolve their diplomatic tensions and act for development of relations through dialogue.