شناسهٔ خبر: 108853 - سرویس پرونده

Iran, Russia Transport Agreement Signed

امضای توافقنامه بین وزرای راه ایران ‌و روسیه Transport Ministers of Iran and Russia signed comprehensive transport agreement in Moscow

Tehran, April 30 (MRUD NEWS) – Following the visit of Iran transport minister at the head of a delegation to Russia, the two countries signed a comprehensive transport agreement after mutual negotiations.

Vitaly Savelyev, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, expressed hope over increasing bilateral transport cooperation by this agreement.

The International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) can be a linchpin for cooperation among Iran, Russia, central Asian countries, and the Caucasus; and the agreement would help implementation and operation of the Corridor, Savelyev said.

The mutual transport cooperation is expected to ease completion of Rasht-Astara railroad which is a missing route along INSTC.  

Completion of Rasht-Astara railroad would considerably increase transit and commercial interactions between Iran and Russia, added Ghasemi.

According to Vitaly Savelyev, Russia considers Iran as a trade and transit hub in the region since after completion of Rasht-Astara Railroad, northern Europe will be connected to the Indian Subcontinent. The Corridor entails huge transit benefits for the countries along the route including Iran and Russia.

Rostam Ghasemi, pointing to the common borders of Iran with 15 countries, emphasized on close relations of Iran and Russia for increased cooperation.

Trade needs development of transport infrastructures and in this regards the two countries can reach agreements, added Iran transport minister.  

Iran is ready to cooperate with Russia in Chabahar and Shahid Rajaee Port. Currently Russia is linked to Chabahar through two railroads of Incheborun and Jolfa-Nakhchivan.