شناسهٔ خبر: 171130 - سرویس پرونده

Latest performance of MRUD in housing and urban development 

ع Deputy ministers of housing and urban development at Iran's Ministry of Roads and Urban Development reported related performance during the 13th Government since August 2021.

Tehran, July 2, 2024 (MRUD NEWS)—Upon the end of the 13th Government in Iran, Iran Ministry of Roads and Urban Development is holding six press conferences to present its performances since August 2021. The press conference for the housing and urban development was held today with presence of deputy ministers. 

In the urban regeneration, Iran Deputy Minister and Managing Director of Urban Regeneration Corporation, Mohammad Aeeni, considered communications with the residents of the dilapidated urban areas, approving incentive policy package, and constructive participation with municipalities important achievements and informed of new records including issuance of 96,307 permits and starting renovation of 290,000 housings only in 2023 of which 104000 are completed. The regeneration policies are more than sheer focus on housing renovation and with an approach to remove deprivation include organizing pathways and streets. 

To complete the National Housing Movement Plan, 48000 hectors lands in urban areas have provided for this plan and 18000 hectors lands are to be approved. Additionally, 2.6 million housings are under construction, and 560000 housings have been transferred, according to Arsalan Maleki, the CEO of the National Land and Housing Organization. 

Also, more than 8000 hectors lands in the new towns are allocated to the National Housing Movement Plan and 168,389 housings are under construction in the new towns, according to Saeed Ghafoori, The CEO of Iran's New Towns Development Company.

Ali Nabian, Deputy Minister and Managing Director of the 'Executive Organization for Public and Government Buildings and Infrastructures', also informed of construction of 5 new hospitals with capacity of 971 beds.